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Towards the end of 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013 at 6:56 AM

My dreams will blossom...

Anddd it`s Monday!
Sunday, June 23, 2013 at 7:16 PM

Happy Monday people! Embrace the Monday Blues! :D Okay happy sangat ni, lain macam je kan? Hahaha! First pasal this week is my last week of internship and Caprice is coming down to Singapore this Wednesday! Hopefully dapat meet dia. Insyaallah belum confirm lagi. And... lepas Caprice, Forteen pun datang Singapore next month! It`s like my prayers have been granted! Thanks to Allah! Hopefully dapat meet dorang semua. Caprice and Forteen. Insyaallah. :) EXCITED!!! Bertahun-tahun tunggu dorang datang. Since 2011, berangan Forteen datang Singapore and yes finally! Gosh I`m soo soo freaking excited! :D So I`m in the office now tak buat apa-apa pun. Jagdesh and Uncle Andi tengah berbual and mengumpat pasal me. :D Kak Zai is on leave sebab dia balik kampung. She`ll be back tomorrow. I`m gonna miss them! Awesome colleagues ever! Throughout my 6 weeks of internship here, tak buat apa sangat pun. As long as I makan, dorang dah happy. :D

My dreams will blossom...

Hopefully... :)
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 2:27 AM

Hi! Less than an hour to go dekat office then balik! Since I`m fasting today, so kena balik cepat untuk buka. :) Ramadhan dah nak dekat so siapa siapa yang belum bayar hutang, sila bayar ya. :D My internship is ending soon! 2 more weeks to go and I`m free until October! Yeay but nak cari part-time job so tak boring kat rumah. Plus, it`s a super long holiday. Kalau tak kerja, duit pun tak masuk. :D Planning to have a trip to KL with my friend / friends. Still not confirmed but I`m pretty excited sebab this will be my first time travelling with my friends. Planning to go around September. Hopefully jadi. Miracle kalau jadi because I`m the person yang kalau plan tapi at last tak jadi, habuk pun takda. -_- And the President of Forteenagers dah announced that they will organize raya open house! That`s one of the reasons why I wanna go around September. Bestnya kalau dapat jumpa Forteen for the first time! Raya open house lagi kat KL! Kalau lah jadi... senyum tak stop sampai setahun. Hehehe...

My dreams will blossom...

*Wipes dust* bila nak game ni? :D
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 at 7:43 PM

Hello! I`m back! Ermm after 4 years maybe? :D Random thought came to me and tak tau kenapa the feeling of blogging is back. Weird. And yes, I`ve read all of my previous posts and 1 thing came to my mind. I was so retarded back then. Haha! Zaman Secondary School. And now, it`s my last year in RP. :) Time flies pretty fast. Dulu nak sangat keluar dari Secondary School but now, rindu pulak. All those bittersweet memories. Good times I must say. Okay so now, I`m 20. Dah tua! Haha. Dah matured tak boleh macam dulu dah macam budak-budak. *lol* I`m having my internship at my own school. Colleagues kat sini semua best. Cuma ada 3 orang je kat office including me and semua Melayu. Plus, I don`t know if this is a coincidence but kita semua from Melaka. Cool kan? So.. lots of things happened. I managed to enter poly (Alhamdulillah), kakak dah kahwin and my cousin, Fiza is getting married next month! *Excited* I`m still contemplating if I should take driving license. *hmm* I`m not sure if I`ve changed these past 4 years. Dah 20 tahun, perangai mestilah kena matang kan. Baca balik all the previous posts.. Ya Allah malunyaaa! It`s okay.. tu semua perangai budak belum matured lagi. :D Since now dah ada Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and recently Keek, blog pun dah macam nak extinct dah nanti. We can`t live without all these. Okay.. will update soon! *If I have the mood and cool stories to share* :)

My dreams will blossom...

Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 10:11 PM

I am better off dead. I just cannot survive with a family like this. Oh God, I don`t mind if you want to take me away although I know I have more sins than good deeds. I am giving up.

My dreams will blossom...

at 8:14 AM

It`s 12:15 midnight right now. I am all alone now. The parents have gone to bed and I am waiting for the sister to come home from I don`t know where. Whatever. I am not going to ask her wherebouts. I am just sick and tired. I had a really good chat with my other sister (Hend) and my friend Zoe. I love them eventhough we just chat through the cyber life. How are we suppossed to meet? We are wayy too far apart. Hend really opens up my eyes. She always reminds me to think and remember of Allah. She can understand me perfectly. And Zoe, I hope you are alright now. I love you both.

It`s 12:33 right now. Better hit the bed.

My dreams will blossom...

Friday, November 6, 2009 at 4:40 AM

Sometimes I just really not into my family. Seriously. I know we are close as a family but we are very different. One good example is my Sister and me. People do not know that we are siblings. When we met her friends, they would say "Wah.. you both look very different." Not only physically, but characters too. She is wayy too friendly and talkative whereas I am too shy. I just can`t get her sometimes. She has a boyfriend and she would ask me to tag along with them when they go out at some times. C`monla... I don`t wanna play the third wheel. If you wanna have a date, just go out. Don`t pretend to invite me along. Just because you know that I will be all alone in the house and that I will be all lonely, you try to ask me out together with your boyfriend. Please laa... you know I am not the girl who loves to play gooseberry and yet you still ask me the same question. I know her. She would be all perky and cheerful when she has a date with her boyfriend that day and she would open up a conversation with me. She wanted me not to be offended when she went out with her boyfriend. Lame? -_- At times when her boyfriend will be working and not going out with her, she would be boring and not as cheerful. Pretty obvious. I guess it`s about the age gap. 6 years difference. I guess that is why we cant really understand each other. Oh well...I hate it.


My dreams will blossom...